Tag Archives: NBA JAM

NBA JAM Android Review

During my childhood, sports games were nowhere near what they are today. It was entitled Games “simulation”, mechanical controls and worthy precursors QWOP, and arcade games. Focus on fun, the controls of these were often simple and placed the entertainment in the foreground. 

NBA Jam was clearly part of these games quickly accessible but not easy either. If NBA JAM has been out for a while on Android, we never took the time to publish a test. This is an opportunity with its recent update that increases the number of supported devices, though … 
The Confiote Basketball

NBA JAMBut first things first. NBA Jam is the essence of the NBA. Show in want of you here, phases completely crazy, dunks, balls on fire … here we do not care, this is an arcade game! And besides the referee is absent, you imagine every time you are going to give to the poor “small teams” (we are still in the NBA, not in 3rd Provincial League) you face? Finally it is in the best case. Because it is the player who is most often abused by ultra aggressive AI who wakes up in the 4QT, dropping cons, alley-oops and 3-point shots to make you rage.
All complemented by a speaker delirious from beginning to end of each of your games. It includes all of the NBA franchise, but the choice of players is limited to the most important teams each plus some ‘old’ frameworks like Scottie Pippen or Larry Bird. It is also possible to play in multiplayer, but it requires that each participant has to pay € 4.49 to enter. 
Gameplay for Sega Genesis? 

NBA JAMNBAJAM ScreenShot (4) If home console or PC, I am a follower of the classic 4-button configuration (or ABXY x △ ○ □), I am a real fan of the pair AB regarding mobile games. NBA Jam decided to flank three touch buttons which is reminiscent of the controller shows the Megadrive. For once, this configuration is as enjoyable to play, thanks to the touch screen, it is possible to “slide” button in the button to perform actions more “special” without having to start a gym to lift thumb painful. 
Update OK, but what about compatibility? 

When I bought this game, I still used a GalaxyNexus. I was surprised to note that it was simply not installable on Nexus 4 Update January finally allows me to play without out my “old” smartphone. But apparently other users have paid the price and there is a rise of negative comments (often owners of smartphones and tablets dating about 18 months and older) denouncing the lack of compatibility.
It’s always a shame to see that apps are not available on different devices while the operating system is the same.

NBA JAM Android Review

NBA, Android Review, review, android, NBA JAM

via 1BestAndroid http://ift.tt/1sfP54i